Tuesday, February 19, 2013

He's Been In It From The Beginning

Have you ever looked back at a time in your life, at all of the details, and seen how it has been beautifully woven into a masterpiece of something magical?  That has been my realization over these last couple of months.  I've sat here in awe, amazement, and -mostly- gratitude for the wonderful story that God has made out of our lives.  Not all of it was pleasant but every single detail of it was necessary to make us the people that we are today, the parents that we have become, and the family that we will be.

The important groundwork/foundation was the placement of wonderful, Godly men into Stephen's life in January of 2011 and this helped to re-establish his relationship with God.  That was pivotal for what happened next...

On April 19, 2011, Stephen was laid-off from a company that he had been with for 14 years.  BUT I was so very proud of him by how he was a leader for our family and knew that God was in control and had a plan for us.  The confidence in him still amazes me.

During his 9 weeks of unemployment, our then-8 year old received a birthday invitation.

Let me say now... we normally do not talk to our children about finances because we believe that a child should not be concerned about such things.  However during a time like this -family crisis- they do need to be aware.

Anyway.  Long story, short...

Isabel made her friend these adorable flip flops for her birthday.  They were inexpensive to make and her friends LOVED them!  Many started to request that she make them for their birthday gifts - even after Stephen was back to work.  She was having a ball designing and making them.  One afternoon in August, Isabel and I decided to try to sell them.  Would there be interest??  We do live in Florida and flip flops are an everyday, any event, all year long foot wear - so we were betting with good odds.  And so was invented, IsaFlops (get it, Isabel & flip flops)....

We set up a Facebook page and word spread like wild fire!  She quickly received so many orders that I had to step into the production line.  Truth be told, Stephen had to put on his working hat one busy night!

She attended craft fairs.

Had home shows.
And even made orders for weddings.

But one thing that was important to me and Stephen was to teach her to be a good steward with her earnings.  We took her to the bank and set up an account.  Then we taught economics 101:  profits, expenditures, donations etc.

We let her choose where she would donate a portion of her profits to and she chose a little girl, Jeimi, in Honduras that her troop had been supporting through Compassion International.
It was during this time that I received my calling, whisper in my ear, tug at my heart to go to Haiti.  For those of you that haven't heard this yet...

I just realized that the day that I was sitting in church, listening to the youth give their testimony about their missions trip to Haiti, and I was called to go, was THE VERY DAY that Sam was born.  WOW!  Tell me that is a coincidence!  Nope.  Just another thread of our masterpiece that was woven in at the EXACT moment it needed to be.

Our family talked a lot about my desire to go on the trip that was scheduled for February 2012.  However, I didn't take into account that we had just financially recovered from unemployment and Christmas had just hit the bank account - OUCH!  I had resigned to the fact that, as a good steward of our money, I would need to hold off on any trips.

In early January, Isabel approached me about the trip.  Wasn't I going to be leaving soon? 

No.  We just can't swing that right now. 

She nodded and walked away.

The next morning she approached me again...  What about my IsaFlops account?  I've been thinking.  Its a lot more important for you to go to Haiti than for me to buy something for myself.

I was speechless.  (and for me, that's saying something!)  I talked with Stephen that night and prayed about it for the next couple of days.  Finally, I decided to look at the account and see how much was in there and you know what???  It was within TWO dollars of what I needed to go.  Wow!  That was my sign!

So, on February 6, 2012, I boarded a plane and took off on a life changing journey - that my 8 year old daughter had paid for!!  Here's a video of my journey:


My life and my family's life has never been the same since.  Of course, we didn't realize how much this would change us FOREVER!

He can meticulously and perfectly help us weave the fabric of our lives BUT ultimately, it is up to us whether or not we follow the path that God has laid before us.

What if I hadn't listened to His call to go to Haiti?  If Isabel hadn't followed the nudge at her heart to give freely?  If Stephen hadn't put his faith in me - that this is a calling for our family?

I would miss that opportunity to love, nurture and raise a child that God has ordained for Stephen and I.  Sam would never have a father, mother, sister and 2 brothers that love him and will call him their's - forever.  Isabel, Cole and Jack would miss out on the journey that will affect the adults that they will become one day.  I pray that they will ALWAYS decide to listen and follow the path that has been laid before them.

He never said it would be easy, but He promised it would be worth it!

Have you followed your calling?

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